Monday, June 6, 2011

Sorry for the sob story, but here’s a cup full of hope.

Sun burnt and tired, I lay on the guest bedroom of my house and listen to the sound of bugs hitting the window. They see the large overhead ceiling fan light, and without noticing the thick pane of glass between them and that beautiful yellow light, they fly right to it. again and again. and a faint thud repeats withinthe whirring of the fan.

It's summer time, and I feel for those bugs.


I cried today. A lot. My poor parents. Slash that, my poor dad -- he didn’t know how to act. I just cried, the waitress made me cry, praying made me cry, the dating couples made me cry, the rain made me cry, and the music made me cry. Actually, I just made me cry. But those factors didn’t help.
But it’s alright. It was a long time coming. I have not cried for days or longer, and I am a crier. I could cry for a living if my tears were worth anything. I remember being 9 years old on my bed and crying about some small problem magnified by my dramatics I’m sure, and I remember thinking: when I am going to grow out of crying? When will I quit this kind of embarrassing puffy-eyed sobbing? And then again when I was 13, I had the same thoughts. Then today, while in the car driving to meet my parents for dinner, I was weeping and hitting my steering wheel and thinking: “When will I grow up and stop crying like a child!?” When it came to me that I am twenty years old and I will never grow out of crying like that. Ever. If I was going to, it would have happenedby now. It is the physical manifestation of the reality that at times too many bad things happen at once.

Today there was just too much injustice. I was angry at my kids' parents not caring enough, not listening, really listening to their children. I was overwhelmed by the disconnect I feel between Jesus and I and my friends and I. And, loneliness is always increased by eating dinner with your parents -- let’s face it, the epitome of third wheels.

But here is the beautiful part. Although we live in a world that is shattered:
"This is my Father’s world. O let me ne’er forget
That though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet. This is my Father’s world: the battle is not done: Jesus Who died shall be satisfied, And earth and Heav’n be one.”

The battle is not done. We are not at the end of the story yet; there is a happy ending in some century. Jesus will be satisfied when all is done. God rules despite how strong the wrong seems to be.

This song saved me today.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Every once in a while I get this feeling of ants in my pants. I think we've all had it. The feeling that if you stay in one place or stature or attitude too long you may begin to desperately create a dangerous situation for adrenalin-seeking purposes. You might stand on the train tracks just a little too long than you should. You may find yourself fantasizing about hot air balloon rides or sky diving or bungee jumping or rock climbing -- because the height may offer just the edge you need to keep going. Maybe you'll develop a slight obsession with motorcycles just for the sake of the speed and the wildness of the air in your hair whipping about unbridled... yes.

The only fortune cookie fortune I have ever kept says: "Travel to appease your restlessness." I firmly believe this fortune was from the Lord. God knows what kind of heart he has placed within me. In my opinion, it is unpredictable and stupid and too easily stirred by distraction, but God knew all that when he created it. Being the Lord and all, He can see how this heart thrives with the right combination of being led and being on an adventure. The Lord has shared with me that someday my husband will offer these things, but for now, Jesus himself gives them freely and that is more than enough for me.

But this doesn't solve my current problem on a Sunday night with a week full of work ahead of me, without any kind of adventure in sight. I am currently in 1 Samuel while reading through the Bible this summer, and God often reminds his people and prophets of what He has done in the past to prove that He will be faithful in the future. So tonight, I will list the things HE has done this year in my year long fast from liking or dating men and seeking after the King. Let me remind you that God promised two things in exchange my fast: that he would expand my world, and that he would never leave.

In just 10 days shy of 11 months God has changed everything.
The Lord has made me a missionary.
The Lord spoke to me and gave me visions about Ethiopia and Sudan. I am currently a future resident of Southern Sudan.
The Lord has given me a desire for a man who will lead me to these places.
I am pure; I have asked for purity and the Lord has placed within me a fresh, clean, white heart.
The Lord has healed me of sexual sin.
The Lord has given me a righteous hatred for sin.
The Lord has made me bashful.
The Lord has healed me of eating disorder tendencies.
My entire Bible will be read when the summer is out.
The Lord has given me the most beautiful and closest and godly friends I could have ever asked for--both men and women of all ages.
The Lord has opened my heart to have the freedom of vulnerability like never before. I am unashamed of my tears that for so many years I tried to hide. I am no longer afraid of being an emotional wreck; I am 100% human after all, something I was unable to admit for many years.
The Lord has made Ames home for this season of my life; and I miss it dearly everyday.
The Lord has named 2 out of the 4 sons He has called me to raise. But I will not share them here.
The Lord has taught me about His glory found within Jesus.
The gospels have become my favorite part of the Bible because Jesus is the Lord, the risen Son of God.
The Lord has given me a little 8 year old boy named Berhanu from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The Lord has shown me that true leadership is servanthood.
The Lord has called me to this kind of humble servanthood.
I have somewhat of an obsession with mountains and the ocean and boats. I am not sure if that was the Lord or not.
The Lord has changed my occupation without changing my major. I may be teaching, but it will not be in the way or in the setting I ever expected.
The Lord deadened and now has ripened my desire for my Beloved.
The Lord has turned all men's eyes away like He promised; and I have not been pursued by any man for just under eleven months now.

And the Lord has brought me back here at "home". I did not even come close to entering Ethiopia or Sudan; and I don't know why. But because of His track record solely in the last year, I trust that HIS purpose and plan is always greater.

Wow, would you look at that -- Can I get an AMEN for the faithfulness of the Almighty and caring God who loves us?

Coincidence? I have exactly 40 more days of fasting.