Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I am not fishing.

I felt like beauty was being attacked today and yesterday. Why DOES this happen to women? Is our beauty so terrible a thing to the enemy that he must tear us down behind every unsuspecting corner? Are our outward appearances so fearsome to the devil? I want to say 'no. outward appearances do not matter and it's what's in the heart' That is true in a way, but I CAN'T accept that as the FULL truth of what's going on spiritually.

BECAUSE when I feel my clothes do not fit from weight gain or probably just from dryer shrinkage problems, my immediate thought is : "Geez what is wrong with ME? I have such a problem with food. I have no self-control. Food is my idol. I thought I was getting better with this." Then my thoughts progress to thoughts of skipping meals and wanting to fit into my jeans from when I was 13. AND WITHIN A FEW MINUTES' TIME, I have talked myself into an anorexic attitude. By the grace of God, when these thoughts transform like this my warrior-hero-Love intercedes to speak truth back into my spirit of how I am a carefully made piece of his creation. But what does someone do if they do not know this truth?!

THIS tells me of this deep deep deeply rooted spiritual issue. And how important it is to ignore our culture's view on beauty. It is safe to say you can remove most of it's advice about being beautiful from your mind. But even if I grew up in a place apart from mirrors or pop culture, I believe I would still struggle with the issue of being desired and sought after and utterly captivating. Because let's face it, WOMEN ARE BEAUTIFUL CREATURES. We are enthralling! WE are ! We are ! If you are reading this and thinking 'yeah so many are, but there are exceptions to everything, and i would be that exception.' That is a lie that the devil has convinced you is true. Or maybe you read that and thought 'yeah I am pretty, but i'm not anything to stare at.' Although that is far more subtle and clever lie by the devil, that TOO is NOT the truth.

Ask God what he thinks of your face? Ask him--I dare you. i swear you will not be disappointed.

When i went home a few weeks ago, I was telling my mom how I was frustrated because none of my professors remembered my name. and I told her that I didn't blame them because I just have one of those forgettable plain faces. (You have to know my heart when I was saying this, I truly believed it. I was not saying this to fish for a compliment, I was just talking without thinking about my words.) My mom looked at me with a concerned face and said "THAT is not true." And tears welled up in my eyes because I realized I had been tricked into thinking I was just another face in the crowd, nothing special, nothing to remember. If you have ever felt this way, can I be my mother for a second and renounce the lies poured into our heads. YOU radiate. YOUR smile lights the entire room. The stars cannot compare to YOUR shining eyes. You, my dear, are beautiful.

If this spoke to you or you need prayer or if you have advice to give on this issue, please feel free to leave an anonymous comment below.


Anonymous said...

Precious Daughter of the Most High, your worth is much. The shackles of the enemy are many but the shackles have the same key. The love of the bridegroom! Oh Precious Daughter of the Most High, your worth is much. Forget not that the Bridegroom has much good to say about you and much good planned for you. Your worth will be attacked and your beauty questioned. The enemy is jealous and vicious. Oh Precious Daughter of the Most High. Hold fast to the Bridegroom...for the enemy is powerless around the Bridegroom. Oh Precious Daughter of the Most High.

Olivia Marie said...

Thank you. This came at the most perfect time. Thank you for being a vessel for God's deep, vast LOVE. Blessings.

Anonymous said...

Olvia, I have been going through the same thoughts. Especially with weight gain and being forgettable. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! And your blog helped me a lot, because I wasn't realizing my attitude about it all, it just always was present. I feel so at rest now. I don't need to strive to be beautiful because I am already. Jesus is just absolutely incredible, right?? How amazing is this different thinking?
Ahh I love it! Thank you for being so honest. You are blessed and a treasure!