So friday night something cool happened, so I feel inclined to share the story. But first let me say that God has been training in prophecy and showing me which voice in my head is His. His still, quiet voice tells of things too beautiful and hopeful for me to think of on my own. For
example, (this isn't the cool story I want to tell but this is an example of what God has been doing) right when I got into bed one night last week I was thinking about how fun it is having my new bike at school, and
thanking God that he gave that gift to me; but when I was dozing off I kept having these visions of me crashing my bike or getting hit by a car. And then I thought, 'oh my mom is probably right, I should get a helmet so that I don't crack my head open while riding my bike around.' And I sent a text message to myself that said 'buy a helmet' so I wouldn't forget. So I was a little more awake than before so I got out my bible and asked God what he wanted me to read. And he said 'Ezekiel' and I asked him any particular chapter and he said '3' and then I thought he just wanted me to read the whole chapter so I was opening up my bible and then I heard him say '9.' so I said 'okay, I'll go to Ezekiel 3:9. I was thinking it would probably be a verse from God about starting something new because of the new school year or something like that. But when I read it, I just started laughing/crying at God's comforting father-like character. The first part of Ezekiel 3:9 is 'i will make your forehead harder than any rock so do not be afraid.' haha, doesn't that just make you laugh joyfully?? I hadn't even asked for any sort of comfort for my previous fear of crackin' my head open from my bicycle, and yet he provided.
Anyways, so God has been doing cool things like that for me this week. But the story I REALLY wanted to share is what happened friday night.
There was a worship concert on central campus and Shane and Shane were playing and I was telling God that I thought it is difficult to worship with such distraction (because ever since my fast has begun I have been tempted twice as much as I have ever been). So I was praying "God help, I want to just worship you. How can I move forward when the world's tempting claws are pulling me backwards." And then I heard his voice say 'You just have to keep going. keep climbing.'

Then he brought me to this place I had never been before. I was all of the sudden hundreds of feet into the air on the side of a mountain. And he showed me how far I have climbed or metaphorically how far i have come from the bottom. And then he said when you are climbing sometimes you have to stop and turn toward me and my beauty and strength for the will to keep climbing up the mountain (which is a symbol for my fast). So i just stared at this beautiful vision he was giving me of this picturesque landscape with the sunrising and tipping the tops of the trees with gold. And I was praising him for this gorgeous place on the side of the mountain and i was resting in this place and telling him how i love being up here with him and thanked him for putting me on a fast so I can be closer to him. But then I asked him -- 'But God, your word says that in your name we can move mountains, we can throw them into the sea, so why am i climbing up this obstacle?" And his response made me joyful 'You do not want to throw this mountain into the sea. On the other side of this mountain your Beloved is climbing up too. You cannot see him, and he cannot see you, you cannot speak to him and he cannot speak to you, but when you are both ready you will meet at the same place on top of the mountain. This is why it is important to stay the course and do not look for

others and to keep climbing.'
So at this point, I was at first incredibly joyful and it gave me such hope for God's plan. But in a matter of seconds that joy morphed to doubt. I became afraid that I was breaking my fast by thinking of the future, and questioning my vision if it was from God. Because I was thinking God was the one who told me to not make future plans regarding men -- so why would he show me a vision about him.
It was then I opened my eyes and recognizing I was back at the shane and shane concert, and thinking that I had once again let my thoughts get carried away with false hope. But then God confirmed his word through something very real. Directly in front of me was a guy's back of his tshirt that said 'rocky mountain challenge--humility, adventure, trust, and dependence' and then it had a picture of a mountain with climbers on it.
Then I laughed and was joyful again because I knew the vision was from God and not from myself. Then God began to confirm in other ways that He had provided. Last summer when we were driving to Colorado, I asked God for a song about my future spouse and he gave me the song 'meet you there' by augustana and I never understood it because it has the f-word in it and the lyrics do not make sense. But the first line of the song is 'climb up a mountain' and the chorus is "when the world is right, i'll drive all night, and meet you there someday." The rest of the song's lyrics still do not make sense but I think God was just confirming his promise in my life.
So it is an uphill battle and it is teaching me: adventure, dependence, humility, and trust. But I am learning more about the LORD during my rocky mountain challenge.
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